Therapy Form Redesign: Before and After

November 9, 2011

A business owner of a therapy company wanted me to redesign some of the forms their therapists use during client sessions. The owner wanted the forms to be easier for the therapists to fill out, and easier for the secretaries gather information from during processing.

I used Microsoft PowerPoint to design his form because that would enable company employees to tweak it later as needed. Adobe InDesign would have given me more control, but few people own it; Microsoft Word is just as widespread as PowerPoint, but it can have some annoying tendencies to move things around the page when someone edits it later.

Looking at the original (see below), it was difficult to tell at first glace how each day’s “SOAP note” section was organized (SOAP is a common acronym in therapy notes, standing for Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment of current abilities, and Plan for the next session). Each letter in SOAP denotes a main section of the note, but they were printed in-line at the same size as the rest of the text, so it was barely noticeable that the notes were even subdivided at all, much less where one section ended and another began.

I solved this by creating “watermark” letters for SOAP—putting them in light grey in the background. That way I could make them as large as I wanted, I didn’t have to clutter the form with more lines or boxes, and I didn’t have to use more precious space by giving each letter its own line, like a heading. An added bonus was that it resulted in more space for lines to write on, which also makes it easier for the therapist to create impromptu charts.

The other big problem, which I noticed immediately, was that the original laid out the checklists horizontally. This is problematic for a few reasons. First, it’s hard to see at a glance how many items are on a given list. It can also be confusing, when checking an option in the middle of the list, to know whether you should check the box to the right or the left of the item you want to select. Guessing wrong can result in inaccurate information. Finally, it’s difficult with horizontal/in-line lists to tell how many lists there are.

I solved all this by aligning the checkboxes vertically. It’s now easy to see at a glance that there are four distinct checklists, how many items are on each list, and which box corresponds to which item.

I made a few other changes as well. I lightened the signature boxes and the name of the company, since they are non-essential when scanning the form for therapy-related data during a session. I also swapped positions of the two signatures, moving the client signature over to the left. That way, the two most vital parts of any note—the date and the signature (crucial in, e.g., billing or an audit)—can be found by scanning down the left side of the page, with plenty of white space in between and not other text to get in the way. They still wanted to fit four days’ worth of therapy notes on one page, so I narrowed the margins of the page to give it more white space than the original. By narrowing the needlessly-wide columns in the chart at the top, I was able to move the title off to the right, reclaiming the valuable white space it was occupying up at the top all by itself.

Here is the company’s original form (click on the form to zoom in on different parts):

Here’s what it looked like after I redesigned it:

I absolutely love doing form redesign. For me, it’s like cleaning up a cluttered but often-used space. Once it’s done, it makes life easier. And the thing is, it doesn’t take a lot of bells and whistles. Just a few simple principles can go a long way toward a cleaner, more user-friendly form.

37 Responses

  1. Good morning,

    I have been searching for a speech therapy SOAP note template and came across this sample. Would you be willing to send me this form in an editable version? Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

    Lynn A Applebee M.S., CCC-SLP
    Lynn A Summers LLC
    D/B/A Making Milestones Pediatric Therapy of the Treasure Coast

  2. You bet, Lynn. I’ve attached the files and sent it to the email address you provided.

  3. Kayle Shulenberger

    February 8th, 2014

    I would LOVE a copy too! Thanks so much!

  4. Beautifully designed document. Do you mind sending me an editable copy as well? I am still doing progress notes by the old method: long, lengthy SOAP notes. Thank you so much.

    Tequesta, Thomas-Allen
    DBA Imari’s therapy services, P.A.

  5. I would love an editable copy as well would you be so kind and email this to me? I’ve been searching and searching..
    Thank you!

  6. Love this! Would you be willing to send me this form in an editable version? Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

  7. Your beautiful document is exactly what I have been searching for. Would it be possible for me to also receive an editable copy?

    Thanking you in advance-

  8. Kirsten Gaffey

    February 15th, 2015

    Good afternoon!

    I have also been searching for a wonderful SOAP note like this for the students I see in schools. Often I write notes electronically but I need something like this for other environments.
    Would you be willing to send me an editable copy?
    It looks so good, I’m sure you could post it on Teachers Pay Teachers and increase your following!

    Thanks in advance,
    Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (from Australia)

  9. Good afternoon,

    I have been searching for a speech therapy SOAP note template and came across this sample. Would you be willing to send me this form in an editable version? Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

    Becky. R.

    Advance Therapy Works
    my email

  10. Hello!

    I love that form! Would you mind emailing me the form so I can use/edit it?!? I would love that! Thanks!!


  11. Hello,

    I LOVE the new version of the SOAP note you created!! You would mind sharing the editable version with me? I would be so appreciative!
    Thank you!

  12. I love this SOAP note templet ate. Could you please send me an editable copy as well. Thank you so much!!!!

  13. Jillian K

    August 7th, 2015

    I have been searching for a speech therapy SOAP note template and came across this sample. Would you be willing to send me this form in an editable version? Thank you very much for sharing your work with others.


    Speech Language Pathologist

  14. Claudia Aguilar

    August 30th, 2015

    Good afternoon,

    I love the way you revamped her template. How can I get an editable copy of this template. I really need to use something like this for therapy center.

    Thank you in advance.

  15. tanya acosta

    October 15th, 2015

    What a great easy daily note form,, would you mind sending me a copy>
    thank you so much

    tanya acosta MA ccc-slp
    boston ma

  16. Good evening,

    I absolutely LOVE the template you created, and would be ever grateful if you were able to send me something I could edit/modify (especially dates). Could you please send me an editable copy or direct me to where I might find it (if elsewhere) online?

    Thank you in advance for your time.

  17. Natasha McNeill

    March 1st, 2016

    I am a Speech Language Pathology-Assistant and a graduate speech clinician. I would love a copy of this form that I would be able to edit to use to have more efficient and better written SOAP notes for when I see clients.

    Thanks so much!
    Natasha McNeill
    Speech Language Pathology-Assistant

  18. Good afternoon.

    I have been looking for a complete and well structured daily note like this one. Can you please send me an editable copy?

  19. Beautiful soap/JOT documentation note. Can you please send me an editable version as well as this is the most perfect sample I have come across. Thanks for your consideration.


  20. Katie Vandervalk

    April 28th, 2016

    I love the looks of this form, and wondered if it would be possible to receive an “editable” copy?


  21. Melissa Russell

    May 17th, 2016


    I am just now seeing this. I love this form. Could I also receive an editable copy? This would be wonderful to use for therapy at the school. You could sell this on teachers pay teachers.

    Kind regards,
    Melissa Russell

  22. These templates are amazing! We have been looking for something like this for our speech therapy practice. Is there any way you could email me the editable versions? We really appreciate it!

  23. DO you still do this work? I’m curious about pricing. I have several documents/ forms that I would like changed.

  24. You did a wonderful job on your SOAP note redesign! Is there any chance you could email me the template? I would love to use this in my practice.
    Thank you!

  25. Hi, Nathan.

    Happy new year and I hope this message finds you well.

    I too have been searching for an easy-to-fill-out-easy-to-carry-around SOAP note for all my out of office work (schools, preschools, daycares and home visists).

    May I also please please have an editable copy of your beautifully crafted SOAP note form?

    Hoping for your kind consideration,

    (Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (Australia)

  26. Is there a chance I could get an editable copy of this as well. Its wonderful!

  27. Good Day!

    I would also like a copy of this SOAP note as an editable document
    Thank you!

  28. Hi I was wondering if anyone could send me an editable version of this! Would love to start using this in our office ! Thanks in advance

  29. Hi,

    I have been searching tirelessly for a SOAP note that includes all of the information you have included on this one you created. I currently own two small private speech therapy clinics in Southern California and would love to start using this SOAP note at both. Would you be willing to send me the word document or editable version of this? I would greatly appreciate it and would be willing to pay for it as well.

    Kind Regards,
    Kristen Carter

  30. Deena Offet

    April 13th, 2018

    This is exactly what I have been looking for. Do you still have a copy you would be willing to share in an editable version.

  31. Christine Vlahos

    April 19th, 2018

    I was searching for a suitable SOAP form and found your redesign from 2011. Is your form still available? and if “yes”, would it be possible to receive an editable version.

    With thanks and best wishes
    Christine Vlahos
    Certified Practising Speech Pathologist
    Member of Speech Pathology Australia

  32. Brenda Grieshaber

    August 31st, 2018

    could I get a copy of this that is editable. It looks like it would be so easy to use!

  33. Meg Eliza

    November 9th, 2018

    Afternoon I was wondering if I too could have an editable copy, I am a community inclusionist for adults with autism. I find your SOAP format so easy to understand and use.
    thank you so much

  34. Brianna Lambro

    May 12th, 2019

    Hi Nathan,
    Are you still willing to share the editable version of this form via email? It is exactly what I’ve been looking for!
    Thank you!
    Brianna Lambro M.S. CCC-SLP
    Hudson Valley Speech and Swallowing Therapy

  35. Julia Suor

    May 24th, 2019

    Your note looks really useful. Could I please have an editable copy? Thank you for helping everyone with this. It’s appreciated.


  36. Shaly Y Gittens

    May 11th, 2020

    HI, I would love an editable template, of course if it’s not too much to ask.. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

  37. Julie Johnson

    July 6th, 2020

    I LOVE THIS! May I please have an editable copy?

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